Thursday, July 31, 2014

What to Consider Before Buying a Sectional

There are plenty of options when deciding on the furniture you want to decorate your home with. The options are endless, and honestly it can be exhausting trying to find the perfect fit. A few months ago, I was in the market for new furniture. As a matter of fact, my old furniture was so embarrassing that I was shamed by a friend from keeping it. My search began about 6 months prior to my purchase, which gives you a good amount of time to compare your options.

On my search, I went from high end stores, to more affordable showrooms, and even looked at online websites that all had gorgeous furniture! For me, there were several things I was looking for...
  1. A sectional was a must
  2. Tufted was essential
  3. A chaise lounge was not up for debate
  4. Durability---required 
After what seemed like one of the toughest, emotional decisions of my life (I'm dramatic), I decided to go with Macy's Roxanne Sectional in a the "granite" color. This process taught me that searching for a sectional, is a process in itself. Even after it arrived, I second guessed my choice.

Just to give you some details on my sectional: It has 5 pieces, with a chaise lounge, two armless chairs, and two corner pieces.

Here are my suggestions if you're questioning whether a sectional is right for you...

Are you in your forever home? If not, do you plan on moving soon, and will you be okay if the sectional does not fit in the new space?

It's important to understand that most sectionals take up a lot of space, and some cannot be reconfigured. Before purchasing a sectional, be sure you're fine with its configuration and understand that if you decide to move, it may not fit in your new place. Luckily I learned early on about modular sectionals, and how each piece is separate. With my sectional, I can change it around to my hearts desire and even move pieces to other areas of the house. Modular sectionals give you the flexibility you need if you get bored easily or if you will need to switch things up for a new space. 

Measure, Measure, and Measure again!!!!

This is with any furniture purchase of course, but especially with sectionals. You have L-shape sectionals, U-shape sectionals...sectionals with chaises, etc. Before making this purchase, please go home and use the measurements for the sectional you're interested in, and map it out in the the designated space. My sales associate suggested I use newspaper to basically outline the width of the furniture in my living room. I decided just to use objects to show me where different points of the furniture would stop and how far everything would stick out. This gave me the chance to see the flow of the room and how much walking space I had.

Love coffee tables? Think twice! 
Not in every situation, but for me,  my beloved coffee table had to get "ixnayed". Sectionals with an L-shape can be hard to fit a table in between. If you have a chaise that is close to the other end of the sectional, it can be impossible to fit a table. My old coffee table is now serving as a sofa table behind my sectional, which I actually don't mind--The frustration comes when I need somewhere to quickly lay my drink or my food that I'm eating. Plus, i'm obsessed with coffee table books so this was a bit of a let down for me. But let me repeat, in most instances it works, but it depends. 

Entertaining or Nah?
The hesitation that I've read from people again sectionals, is the lack of entertaining options. (Not a problem for me) Sectionals can be great for couples and families because it provides an intimate seating arrangement. If you're having a dinner with a mix of people who do not know one another, they may feel more comfortable if there was say, a sofa, love seat, or individual seating chairs. That way, they're not forced to sit grouped together.

Is your space big enough?
Even after measuring my living room, what I found was that having all of the pieces to my sectional in one room made the furniture overpower my space. Some sectionals, particularly those that are rounded can take up way more room because they curve out. Can your space accommodate a sectional? P.S. one of my pieces is now serving as a sitting chair in my bedroom.

Lastly, left arm facing (LAF) or right arm facing (RAF)?
This has everything to do with the chaise lounge. It can either come in LAF (when you are standing in front of it, the arm will be on the left) or RAF (facing the sectional, the arm is on the right). It's so important to decide which one fits best before purchasing, because your space may accommodate one, but not the other.

My amazing sales associate provided much needed advice again by telling me to think long and hard about the chaise. Of course he told me to measure to see how far it stuck out, but he also wanted me to sit down and see what my natural position was. Naturally, I'm more comfortable with RAF, but my space could only accommodate LAF. It wasn't a deal breaker for me, but for someone who enjoys leaning on something or needs that arm rest in a certain position, that might be a factor in the decision you make. 

Expect to panic! Then expect to panic some more!!
I literally worried the entire time and almost made myself sick (remember I'm dramatic) immediately after making the purchase. After it arrived, I moved it around so much and reconfigured it into so many positions, my head began to spin. Eventually I decided that one piece had to go (to my bedroom it went) and this change made it function much better. I can't tell you how many times I questioned my purchase but eventually I got use to the change and love it now!

Even though I sacrificed some of what I look for in furniture and how things are organized, it was a great purchase that I can take with me wherever I decide to move. And I'm not confined to a single configuration!

I wanted to share what my sectional looked like so see below for the pictures. Oh, and please excuse the horrible picture quality. I'm working on that :) 

My chaise

Full view

My armless chair that serves as a sitting chair in my bedroom.


  1. We just purchased this sectional. While very excited about it, I'm nervous about how it'll hold up over time. Since the cushions aren't removable, I worry they'll get lumpy since they can't be flipped. How is your sofa doing?

    1. Hi. So sorry, I haven't checked this blog in a while. I'm not sure if this will find you. To answer your question, my sectional is holding up exceptionally well! It is very durable, especially having a crazy Schnauzer that likes to jump on it from time to time. Did you buy the sectional or decide to go with something else?

    2. Oops. Ignore that last question. I just re-read and you said you purchased. How is it holding up?

  2. Almost three years later, how is it holding up? I am considering the same sectional as well. Hope this reaches you in time.


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